Mayday 五月天 - Shang Xin De Ren Bie Ting Man Ge 傷心的人別聽慢歌 (Sad People Should Not Listen Sad Songs) Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin and English Translation
Singer : Mayday 五月天
Album : 步步自選作品輯 The Best of 1999-2013
Title : Shang Xin De Ren Bie Ting Man Ge 傷心的人別聽慢歌
English Title : Sad People Should Not Listen Slow Songs
你哭的太累了 你傷的太深了
Nǐ kū de tài lèile nǐ shāng de tài shēnle
You're cried until you too tired, you're hurt too much 你愛的 太傻了
nǐ ài de tài shǎle
You're love too stupidly 你哭的就像 是末日要來了 OH OH
nǐ kū de jiù xiàng shì mòrì yào láile OH OH
You're crying just like it's the end of the world 所以你聽慢歌 很慢很慢的歌
suǒyǐ nǐ tīng màn gē hěn màn hěn màn de gē
So you listen a song, a very slow song 聽得 心如刀割
tīng dé xīn rú dāo gē
Listen it until you feel like as if a knife is piercing your heart 是不是應該 換一種節奏了 OH OH
shì bùshì yīnggāi huàn yīzhǒng jiézòule OH OH
Shouldn't you change it to different rhythm? OH OH 不要再問 誰是對的 誰是錯的
bùyào zài wèn sheí shì duì de sheí shì cuò de
Don't ask who is right, who is wrong 誰是誰非 誰又虧欠誰了
sheí shì sheí fēi sheí yòu kuīqiàn sheíle
Who is and who isn’t, who owes who, 反正錯了 反正輸了
fǎnzhèng cuòle fǎnzhèng shūle
Anyway, I've made a mistake and I have lost 反正自己 陪自己快樂
fǎnzhèng zìjǐ péi zìjǐ kuàilè
Anyway, myself accompanies myself (try to) be happy 我不管 你是誰的 誰是你的 我是我的
wǒ bùguǎn nǐ shì sheí de sheí shì nǐ de wǒ shì wǒ de
I don't care who are you belong to, who is yours, I am mine 讓心跳 動次 動次 動次 動次 感覺活著
ràng xīn tiàodòng cì dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì gǎnjué huózhe
Let the heart beats, moving, moving, moving, moving and feel alive 我不管 站著坐著 躺著趴著 都要快樂
wǒ bùguǎn zhànzhe zuòzhe tǎngzhe pāzhe dōu yào kuàilè
I don't care whether standing, sitting, lying upside, lying on back, all I want is to be happy 讓音樂 動次 動次 動次 動次 快要聾了
ràng yīnyuè dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì kuàiyào lóngle
Let the music moving, moving, moving, moving and I'm going deaf soon 不管了 不想了 不等了 不要不快樂
bùguǎn le bù xiǎng le bù děng le bùyào bù kuàilè
Don't care anymore, don't think anymore, don't wait anymore, don't want to be unhappy 傷心的人 別聽慢歌
shāngxīn de rén bié tīng màn gē
Sad people should not listen a slow song 人生分分合合 愛情拉拉扯扯
rénshēng fēn fēn hé hé àiqíng lā lāchě chě
Life is about meeting and parting, love is going back and forth, 一路 曲曲折折
yīlù qū qū zhé zhé
Twist and turns all the way 我還是期待 明日的新景色 OH OH
wǒ háishì qídài míngrì de xīn jǐngsè OH OH
I'm still looking forward to a new scenery of tomorrow OH OH 憤青都釋懷了 光棍都戀愛了
fènqīng dōu shìhuáile guānggùn dōu liàn'àile
The youth's anger has gone, singles are already taken 悲劇 都圓滿了
bēijù dōu yuánmǎnle
The tragedy is complete 每一段爭執 都飛出和平鴿 OH OH
měi yīduàn zhēngzhí dōu fēi chū hépínggē OH OH
All disputes are resulting into dove of happiness OH OH 不要再問 誰是對的 誰是錯的
bùyào zài wèn sheí shì duì de sheí shì cuò de
Don't ask who is right, who is wrong 誰是誰非 誰又虧欠誰了
sheí shì sheí fēi sheí yòu kuīqiàn sheíle
Who is and who isn’t, who owes who, 反正錯了 反正輸了
fǎnzhèng cuòle fǎnzhèng shūle
Anyway, I've made a mistake and I have lost 反正自己 陪自己快樂
fǎnzhèng zìjǐ péi zìjǐ kuàilè
Anyway, myself accompanies myself (try to) be happy 我不管 你是誰的 誰是你的 我是我的
wǒ bùguǎn nǐ shì sheí de sheí shì nǐ de wǒ shì wǒ de
I don't care who are you belong to, who is yours, I am mine 讓心跳 動次 動次 動次 動次 感覺活著
ràng xīn tiào dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì gǎnjué huózhe
Let the heart beats, moving, moving, moving, moving and feel alive 我不管 站著坐著 躺著趴著 都要快樂
wǒ bùguǎn zhànzhe zuòzhe tǎngzhe pāzhe dōu yào kuàilè
I don't care whether standing, sitting, lying upside, lying on back, all I want is to be happy 讓音樂 動次 動次 動次 動次 快要聾了
ràng yīnyuè dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì kuàiyào lóngle
Let the music moving, moving, moving, moving and I'm going deaf soon 不管了 不想了 不等了 不要不快樂
bùguǎn le bù xiǎng le bù děng le bùyào bù kuàilè
Don't care anymore, don't think anymore, don't wait anymore , don't want to be unhappy 傷心的人 別聽慢歌
shāngxīn de rén bié tīng màn gē
Sad people should not listen a slow song 我不管 你是誰的 誰是你的 我是我的
wǒ bùguǎn nǐ shì sheí de sheí shì nǐ de wǒ shì wǒ de
I don't care who are you belong to, who is yours, I am mine 讓心跳 動次 動次 動次 動次 感覺活著
ràng xīn tiàodòng cì dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì gǎnjué huózhe
Let the heart beats, moving, moving, moving, moving and feel alive 我不管 站著坐著 躺著趴著 都要快樂
wǒ bùguǎn zhànzhe zuòzhe tǎngzhe pāzhe dōu yào kuàilè
I don't care whether standing, sitting, lying upside, lying on back, all I want is to be happy 讓音樂 動次 動次 動次 動次 快要聾了
ràng yīnyuè dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì dòng cì kuàiyào lóngle
Let the music moving, moving, moving, moving and I'm going deaf soon 不管了 不想了 不等了 此時和此刻
bù guǎn le bù xiǎng le bù děng le cǐ shí hé cǐkè
Don't care anymore, don't think anymore, don't wait anymore, here and now 不得不去 貫徹快樂
bùdé bù qù guànchè kuàilè
Have to carry on the happiness 不管了 不想了 不等了 不要不快樂
bùguǎn le bù xiǎng le bù děng le bùyào bù kuàilè
Don't care anymore, don't think anymore, don't wait anymore , don't want to be unhappy 傷心的人 別聽慢歌
shāngxīn de rén bié tīng màn gē
Sad people should not listen a slow song